Monday, 16 April 2012

Eight - 16th April, 2012

Birthdays are usually just a cause for celebration and, on the whole, having "survived" a weekend sleep over party with Evan and two friends, Maya plus friend and not forgetting Sam (count 'em - that's SIX kids!!) today's was no different from any other eight year old's really. 

However, Birthdays are also Anniversaries and 16th April, 2004 is still the day that defines us. Defines Ev. Defines his Journey. I can still remember that day as if it were yesterday but each year brings a new 16th April and as Evan takes more steps, grinning, chatting, joking, they take us further into the future, away from that day in the past. 

Anyway - this morning, like any other eight year old kid, Ev walked into the front room to get his presents. (click link for vid)

Celebrations all round...

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