Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Time - Wed 11th May

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” - Albert Einstein

The lack of blog recently is due to a number of reasons. One is that we have been doing nothing, having some downtime, then catching up from doing nothing. Another is that there hasn't been a massive amount to report. Although that's how it seemed. Progress has been slow - and some times it felt like not jumping forward was going backwards, but it isnt. It really isnt. In fact, not doing the blog for a couple of weeks gives us chance to look back and see how much happens in a short period of time.

On Easter Sunday, Ev had his 7th birthday party - nearly 60 kids turned up for a "pyjama party" - and while it was great to see everyone having a great time - superbly led, as ever, by "The Silly Brothers"  - it was especially good to be reunited with some friends from STL. The Foxes from Manchester and the Smithsons from Ilkley. Holly, Lucy and Ben all being SDR kids as well.

Since the last blog, which is only actually two and a half weeks ago, we have moved Evan from his big splints to his little splints. The difference is materially tiny - just a few inches of plastic, but the impact is massive. Ev has had this physical support since he could "walk" (aided by his frame, of course) and without it he clearly feels exposed and very nervous. This sometimes manifested itself in a slight reluctance on his part and therefore frustration for us - you only need a little step backwards or even a slowdown of pace to see a return of all those nagging worries. "Have we done the right thing". "It's so much to put a little kid through". "What does the future hold". However, you wont be surprised to hear that he is overcoming this. How couldn't he....

It will take time though. The next steps are to build up the strength that he needs and to build up the techniques his he requires. His PT team are very pleased with him and the progress he is making. Just takes a little bit of time.

Finally, over the second long weekend, when thousands flocked to London, or the sofa, or a bar to celebrate the Royal Wedding we headed over to my parent's caravan on the East Coast for a good old fashioned Bank Holiday weekend at the Seaside.

The brilliant weather helped, but it was so good to get out as a family. The highlight was probably down at the beach at Scarborough, where the conditions were fantastic and Evan really got into the spirit of things. In and out of the surf (yes, the surf!) along with Maya and Sam - we'd like to think that next time he'll be running in and out of the surf. Then, it was back home and then back to work, school and of course more PT.

The next blog will be sooner - I promise - and we will try and include some decent progress videos and photos. 'til next time....